TEWA 225
Tewá means “technology” in the Yorubá language, social technology that we build in partnership with our customers in all sectors of the economy.
We weave social transformation through the application of socio-economic knowledge in the areas of sustainability and public policy, in all sectors of the economy.
But for us to do this in a way that generates shared value, we need to know that the path matters as much as the destination. Therefore, article 225 (Brazilian Constitution of 1988) guides our practice, making it democratic, participative and involving, so that society can co-create its future.
We are a company 100% led and composed of women, in their diversity.
Get to know our work and weave this story with us.

To facilitate the transformation processes based on effective social participation, strengthening and politicizing socially vulnerable groups and breaking rigid institutional structures to their listening.
To be a consultancy that works to solve problems central to the reduction of social inequalities in Brazil.
know to transform
The generation of knowledge, data and social indicators is just the starting point for a sustainable and restorative practice. It is necessary that the reading of these contents become narratives and be appropriated by the actors who participate in the change process.
Leadership with participation
All truly transformative processes engage their participants in the joint construction of the result. This is not to say that there is no leadership.
On the contrary, when the process is open to dialogue, natural leaders appear and are strengthened by the collective.
We believe that it is necessary to ask permission when we enter someone else's house (LSO), however we can be visitors with empty hands or take something to share together. Generating shared value is the starting point for social licensing.
State, cradle of reconciliation
The State in its essence has several theoretical meanings. We believe that it is a web of relations between groups, mediated by laws and bureaucracies, that allow for the conciliation of interests. In this sense, the involvement of public authorities and the opportunity to create transformative policies serves different interests, generating benefits for communities and monitoring relationships.

Each team member has unique knowledge and experience, which allows us to handle a wide range of projects and tasks. We are constantly updated on the latest trends and advances in our area, seeking continuous improvement and personal development.